Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Internet and Printing

Big changes are here in the sign-up for our Internet stations! Two weeks ago we started using "PC Reservation" which allows you to sign up yourself instead of stopping at the desk. When stations are open, you can just walk up to an open one and sign in, using your library card # and your pin #...your pin is usually the last four numbers of your phone. If all the stations are in use, there is a reservation station right next to our printer where you can sign in for a particular time or for "next available." When you sign in, you need to specify Internet (as opposed to JUV Internet, which is for kids up to age 15 that have permission slips) or for word processor. All our word processing stations are part of this too. If you owe us money over $3.00, your card will not work and you'll need to pay your overdues. Last week we instituted a print management feature too. When you choose to print from the Internet or from the word processors, you'll now need to choose what you are printing and also feed the coin machine in order to get your copies. We know this will save you from printing things you didn't need to print, as well as save us from spending tax paper dollars on wasted paper. Do let us know if you have any questions.


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