Folks are often interested in what other people are reading! People who are browsing for something new to read are often interested in books that other people have returned. There are two places to find out what people in our Sails Library Network are reading. When you log into
Ibistro, there are 2 places to click to get this information. One is titled "What others are reading," and if you click on "more items" you'll see the most popular authors, titles, and subjects in our library. Or, you can click on "Titles with most holds" under "Library Info."
These two different lists are quite different. For example, lots of people are looking up HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS but there are only a few hundred holds on the title, and there are 650 people (system wide) waiting for A THOUSAND
Our staff checks the "Titles with the most holds" frequently, to make sure we have enough copies to meet the demand enough that our patrons aren't waiting "forever." Please ask us if you have any questions!