Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What To Do About the Flu

Updated info!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


LOVING FRANK by Nancy Horan is our title for November's book discussion. Join us at 7 p.m. on November 17. We meet in our comfortable Certuse Room (our historical room) and feel free to bring a beverage or snack.

Where the Wild Things Are

We were talking here this week about the new movie, Where the Wild Things Are. I saw a great review in the Globe, and it did mention that the movie is not for under 10s. Of course, it is based on a picture book from 1963, which has entertained generations of children. I remember I purchased it for my 4 year old nephew in the early 70s, and my mother said "It will scare him to death." It didn't... October is the month for frights! What one of us finds scary, the other doesn't. Try to remember what books have frightened you! I gave up Stephen King years ago because they were sooooo scary, but went back recently and read a couple. Many thrillers are too scary for me, yet they are one of the most popular fiction genres. Then, there are those folks who LOVE to be scared, and horror titles are their cup of tea. Horror flicks certainly attract lots of folks, too. Looking for horror books? We've got a book called ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FANTASY AND HORROR FICTION and one called READ ON - HORROR FICTION, both of which will lead you to some great titles. Or, how about THE YEAR'S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR?